I have the right to sue?
I discuss the very real possibility of fraud and my site is down. One excuse after another...Really don't know what's going on.
Or maybe Alexa didn't like my last Q's Wire... post?
All of this odd stuff has stopped surprising me. I wish it didn't feel as if someone were trying to coerce me... I don't like threats, I don't like bullies, and I don't like criminals. Where is the FBI/DOJ... pretending like I haven't sent them enough material to have my claims taken seriously.
I am not frightened... I just wonder how I can get my rights back. Someone once said "You have a right to sue". Why don't I have the right to be protected from the many odd/criminal things that have happened and are happening?
Do I fault LunarPages -- about the site problems. No, not really. I think they are caught in the middle. The middle of what? I was a Defense Contractor... Do I know something I don't realize I know?
I went out today, when I returned a county police car was blocking the driveway. I rolled down the window and asked if there was a problem. He moved the car and then left. Why is this odd? Sometimes the county police seem a little too forward... given I have contacted every law enforcement body between here and Washington and they always pretend they are working the problem. Kinda adds insult to injury that he blocks the driveway as if it is his right. I have sustained notable losses, and he sees me as someone to intimidate? I am not intimidated, maybe the next time I will ask if he knows any FBI agents. I use to know several, believe it or not. On a social basis. I am rambling because I am angry about my site.
I don't think the county police blocked the driveway to be friendly, I am not paranoid. I use to think they were being friendly. Not anymore. They did something odd on the street corner this summer. It's a quiet family neighborhood. A police car and several girls were on the street corner looking like a vice setup and not for drugs. The local police behave oddly sometimes.
I wonder if I seem less credible without my software tools and sites.
Regina Thomas
qisoftware.com --- offline right now.
Or maybe Alexa didn't like my last Q's Wire... post?
All of this odd stuff has stopped surprising me. I wish it didn't feel as if someone were trying to coerce me... I don't like threats, I don't like bullies, and I don't like criminals. Where is the FBI/DOJ... pretending like I haven't sent them enough material to have my claims taken seriously.
I am not frightened... I just wonder how I can get my rights back. Someone once said "You have a right to sue". Why don't I have the right to be protected from the many odd/criminal things that have happened and are happening?
Do I fault LunarPages -- about the site problems. No, not really. I think they are caught in the middle. The middle of what? I was a Defense Contractor... Do I know something I don't realize I know?
I went out today, when I returned a county police car was blocking the driveway. I rolled down the window and asked if there was a problem. He moved the car and then left. Why is this odd? Sometimes the county police seem a little too forward... given I have contacted every law enforcement body between here and Washington and they always pretend they are working the problem. Kinda adds insult to injury that he blocks the driveway as if it is his right. I have sustained notable losses, and he sees me as someone to intimidate? I am not intimidated, maybe the next time I will ask if he knows any FBI agents. I use to know several, believe it or not. On a social basis. I am rambling because I am angry about my site.
I don't think the county police blocked the driveway to be friendly, I am not paranoid. I use to think they were being friendly. Not anymore. They did something odd on the street corner this summer. It's a quiet family neighborhood. A police car and several girls were on the street corner looking like a vice setup and not for drugs. The local police behave oddly sometimes.
I wonder if I seem less credible without my software tools and sites.
Regina Thomas
qisoftware.com --- offline right now.
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