Monday, October 17, 2005

Open Legal Process... Note#1 - Get A Lawyer

Problems with LunarPages appear not to work out... Still a bit confused and have registered the protest. Account still up -- but LunarPages claims it will deactivate. Why not get a new web-host right away? -- The problem was never explained clearly and a bit abstract [moving target] -- do this, no do this... it was never one thing. I am concerned that it is more to do with and not which web-host I select. Too many odd things.

Will probably provide LunarPages threads that show the oddity of the whole situation. New thing today -- Chad Riddles -- LunarPages Customer Service rep said something about 80% of the CPU on the server. How can the admin php file I accessed on Saturday to close a global topic incur 80% of the CPU. They [lunarPages] claim an admin style php script that I did not access is the problem. I accessed the permissions script and I am the only person with admin privileges. Also cpu usage is a relative thing. If the server is not busy it could be allowed. The server would proportion the usage correctly if setup correctly. As long as it did not prevent another process from executing it should have been okay. Also the priorities for my processes could have been set higher -- which I have no control over -- may have been the problem. Too much I had no control over, yet my account is at fault.

I did not debate -- simply said not happy and caught off guard. Also asked if there was another problem? [Like they hadn't already found several different reasons.] Legally LunarPages is responsible, but I can't help feeling they are caught up in my problems with -- Washington?

Unfortunately I will have to hold them responsible -- in that my agreement is with them and they appear to have defaulted.

QiSoftware Software Consultanting services still available as well as the "Blogger Calendar" -- Of course -- at this time I cannot host the package, so your web-host will need to support Java Servlets.

Will not re-install WiredPages on AOL account because news feeds are dead. [ hosted]

Do you think it could have something to do with the Calendar?
Primary focus -- Retaining Attorney:

Mr. Spence --

My name is Regina Thomas and I am wondering if you would be interested in reviewing my cases. I have a number of legal issues that require a good lawyer. I must warn you this is a bit complicated -- and would involve Federal and state governments. If you have heard about some of the issues associated with my case and feel your firm is not a good fit, would it be possible for you to recommend someone else?


Regina Thomas -- 301.233.7899

Must take the open route with Legal problems. More details later.

One other odd thing. Late last week I noticed that the counters on Q's Wire... appeared to roll back. The counters were directly connected to the underlying database. I have a script updating the stats. I have had ACCESS Host problems with the databases on my domain which LunarPages was notified of. I explained this in several blog posts. These were exploits to LunarPages controlled software not the blog or forums board that I installed as part of their service.

Is it the fraud problem or just the whole situtation?


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